Thursday, February 26, 2009

Why is it almost March

This month has flown by and things are in full swing here at Venus de Miles. The team was at Women's Night Out at Wheat Ridge Cyclery last week, reaching out to riders and making some tasty margs. I got a lot of requests for the recipe, so here it is, courtesy of Jessica Hogan, our marketing guru:

4 cans Tecate
1 can limeade
Refill empty limeade can to the brim with tequila
Stir in some ice and enjoy.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

Quick plug: I am looking for a parking coordinator and a volunteer coordinator for the ride this year. If your girlfriend, boyfriend or best friend isn't riding, send them my way and I'll get them working.

Our Venus de Miles Club-Boulder is up and running, and you can sign up here. Come ride with us all summer.

Finally, we're offering a free spinning class at Rally Sport in Boulder this Friday. Drop me a line if you're interested in signing up.


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